Aerobatics in a Stearman

DSCN241570I got a chance to fly with Stearman Bi-Plane Rides out of Dillingham Airfield on Oahu. The Pilot/Owner, Bruce Clements, has over 20 years flying experience and the Stearman N2S was in immaculate condition.  The Stearman (Boeing) Model 75 was built in the 1930’s and 1940’s as a military trainer.  It has excellent flight characteristics and performs well as aerobatic aircraft.


In Bruce’s aircraft the front stick was removed for safety during aerobatic maneuvers.  I would have liked to get some PIC time in the tail-dragger, but the snap-rolls and Cuban-8 more than made up for it.

Dillingham has glider, sky-diving and, of course, the bi-plane.




Dillingham Airfield is located next to Mokule’ia Beach.  It’s a nice beach with views of the mountains shot in the series Lost.  It had light swells for winter and looked to be perfect for wind surfing.

DSCN24276e6fSimone flew first and did a tour of the island complete with waterfalls.  I’ll let her tell her story in another post.  Add a silk scarf and she would make a great aviatrix.  My own little Amelia Earhart.


We left Dillingham and made a run for Pearl Harbor.  We retraced one of the routes the Japanese  used on December 7th, 1941.  It was about a 30 minute flight to the other side of the island over some very picturesque scenery.





Just enjoying the view with the wind buffeting my leather helmet.  Flying in an open cockpit is awesome!

DSCN2525DSCN2526Over flying Wheeler Army Airfield (HHI) the place the first bombs dropped on December 7th, 1941.  The runway wasn’t real long, 5604  feet, but very wide at 295 feet.  As compared to my home airport, Beaver County (BVI), with a length of 4501 and a width of 100 feet.  I think new and student pilots would love this airfield with all the room left and right of center to set up those crosswind landings.


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Note the speed and altitude.

Pearl Harbor is in sight; with plenty of ships.



En-route to Pearl Harbor


Now back to Dillingham.



Tracking Station.



Setting up for the aerobatics.


Let’s have some fun!


Dillingham from the air.


A great day in Hawaii.  If you find yourself in Oahu this is one trip you shouldn’t miss.  Call Bruce (808.637.4461) up for a flight and tell him Eric sent you!

Posted in Hawaii.

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