Our First Dive of 2011

Simone and I headed out of Honokohau Marina for a two tank dive with Torpedo Tours.  We dived with them in 2009 and looked forward a great adventure.DSCN1637

Things didn’t go exactly as planned.

Simone got sick on the first dive at Pinnacle Pyramids and I spent most of my dive swimming around the boat. 
The dive camera I took down with me failed almost immediately.  It was an inexpensive digital underwater camera and flooded at first contact with the water. 

Oh well, we do have another dive at Skull Cave later in the day. 

Sorry,  no pictures or video from Pinnacle Pyramids.

At our second dive site Simone was still feeling very much under-the-weather and elected not to dive.  I’ll let her tell the story.




 I took her camera down with me (we had two underwater cameras) and shot a few pics and videos. 

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I call this one “Under Water-Color”


And some surface shots, courtesy of Simone:




I have no idea what happened to the shots in the cave but I’ve posted a quick video for your enjoyment.

Fun with Video Production


We have a night manta ray dive planned for Wednesday night (01/05/2011) and I hope things go better on that one.


Posted in Hawaii.

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